Thursday 22 January 2015

Inner embroidery hoop dilemma!

I didn't really believe that when it said "Embroidery inner hoops only" online that someone would actually sell just the inners but here I sit with 20 embroidery inner hoops and some wool, contemplating the fact that late night shopping can be a bad thing and that I now need to find something to do with all 20 of them or at least find something to do with one of them and a workshop idea to tote around town. 

The website did say "Use these for loads of crafts! They're really useful" etc etc. So people must be doing something with them and I'm not one to give up on a challenge! (... except the code in a day thing. Fail. But I coded a little bit and that's the main thing) 

Anyway back to my hoops. Apart from making hula hoops for sprites, I wanted to do something with them. 
Tried weaving - didn't really work. 
Thought about wrapping wool around the edge - couldn't really see the point
Flirted with the idea of dreamcatchers - bit cliché.

Googled a bit and found this on! -  Embroidery hoop weaving loom
- My problem with weaving initially was that the wool wouldn't hold but this lady has used an elastic band to keep the wool still so I'll give it a go.

I love to weave and this is a really simple way of maybe making some funky coasters. I have hessian so I might use a thick wool as a base and make a rustic-looking coaster, or using waterproof wool/strips of plasticky fabric. I do love the rainbow colours they've used here and I LOVE bright colours so we'll see. Much plotting and doodling to ensue on this front I think. And I could definitely do a workshop on this, whether that's through making the loom or weaving it is simple and would easily fill an hour.

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