Wednesday 18 February 2015

Late night sewing tip

The sewing machine shop informed me that you have to change your sewing machine needle every 8 hours. As someone who has not changed their sewing machine needle in as many years, that is a good tip and potentially why my sewing machine has decided to give up the ghost (that might be putting it a smidge melodramatically): pure neglect. 

A needle only costs a couple of pounds, so it's nothing major and, if you think about it, 8 hours probably doesn't equate to too much packed-in sewing time. I'll probably just start changing the needle 4 times a year and flout the rules until I become a millionaire, preferably through crafting genius. Looking at prices for new sewing machines, however, really makes you appreciate what you borrow from your mum for an extended period of time, and sometimes let her use!

And on that bombshell. night night!

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