Thursday 5 February 2015

Exchanging your foot for another

Might be best to keep your needle up while you're doing this - so you don't knock it.
If you're doing a zip, you probably don't need to take the whole foot off but if you are working with something a bit more heavy duty like this...WALKING FOOT I just received in the post (woohoo!) ... then you may need to go ahead and take the whole foot off. Trust me, it's not a big thing to do. You'll be fine.

- You just need a penny/5p, or similar, to unscrew the screw and the foot will just drop off (not always a good thing in life, but in sewing - yay!) - Keep it in a safe place (some sort of box with drawers/a specific "MACHINE TOOLS BOX" is probably a good idea.)

Sewww... (sorry) So! Next you just need to make sure you don't lose that screw (put it to one side for a minute) and fit the zipper foot into the space where the old one was. Screw the screw in again tightly (don't want it falling off halfway through) and you are good to go!

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